Leave it to my girlfriend to come along and poop on the pity party. How did she poop on it, you ask? She took a giant dump all over my sulky self bitch-fest by dropping two beautiful, delicious, Eggs Benedict on my plate.
The hashbrowns were called 'breakfast potatoes' and were really just a bastardized version of the Tater Tot. Well, they were somewhere between a hashbrown patty a la McDonalds, and the aforementioned Tater Tot. These hash-things were really good on their own, but with Sriracha Sauce... dear lord. My mouth was on fire, but a lovey dovey kind of fire. It was great.
The eggs were poached easy, which was great. When I cut into, yolk poured on to my plate like a freshly cut jugular vein (Happy Halloween!). The fried turkey didn't really stand out, which was terrific. With a meal like that, the last thing I would want to stand out would be the turkey. It was subtle enough though to add a little flavour that really contributed to the finality of the dish.
The cup of yogurt on the side had three almonds sprinkled on top. It was beautiful, and totally useless. I didn't touch it. I have it on good authority that it was good, but I wouldn't know. This is a breakfast blog, not some shitty useless yogurt blog.
The meal itself was delicious, but for the future, I would hope that the owner of this establishment would get her goddamn cats under control. (P.S. They knocked over their water dish again. Fucking Patrick)
I would recommend this place to anyone that writes a breakfast blog, and is named Tyler Penner. Anyone else is not welcome. I like to sleep in, don't wake me.