Friday, February 14, 2014

Little Sister is Watching You

Little Sister Coffee Maker is a small, independent coffee shop on River Avenue. I used to think that it's sole customers were pretentious hipsters looking for anti-corporate biscotti's to Instagram. But after going there a few times, I think Little Sister delivers a truly great product that everyone can enjoy.

Or maybe I'm just a pretentious hipster... Oh, shit. My whole world just collapsed. Excuse me.

Nah, that can't be it. I keep it real on the regs, and that's a fact.

Here is the Pastry Bomb in question.
The croissant looks innocent enough, but take a bite, and
flaky pastry shrapnel flies everywhere. It doesn't harm
anyone, but you look like a maniac eating it.
Also a fact, Little Sister's chocolate croissants are such a delectable treat, that even Eckhart Tolle would get lost in the memory of it. Eating it felt so good. I haven't felt that good since I bought that old Fleetwood Mac bootlegged 7" and lost it while I was riding my unicycle home, but then found a copy of the Rumours LP when I was tending to my organic vegetable garden in Wolseley. It was THAT good.

That being said, it was pretty damn flaky. One bite in, and the thing exploded in my face like a pastry I.E.D. It was delicious, but I looked like a weirdo walking down the street eating it. The trail of crumbs I left behind me made me look like a pig, and I don't appreciate that Little Sister! I wish it was a little softer and chewier, like McDonald's or Starbucks.

I'd love to see them change up the designs
in the foam of these lattes. Looking at this
design 5 different times a day gets boring!
Little Sister's coffee tastes great, but their latte's are downright addictive. In fact, they're so good that it's kind of a piss-off that they don't have a larger size available. While the average person living in Osborne Village prefers to live a French lifestyle of keeping it small and treat-like, I, on the other hand, prefer to live an upsized-Arkansas lifestyle, and gorge on the great trough of extra-large sized gluttony. If the cup fits in the cupholder in my car, it's too small. So I'd love to see Little Sister come out with a bigger cup, like McDonald's or Starbucks does.

Sometimes I'll order two, as if I'm bringing one for a friend, but I'm not. I'm chugging one on the walk home, and then slowly sipping the second. It's a secret that I'm spilling like so much latte foam on my chin. I've taken your small, independent, socially and politically conscious espresso hole and turned it into a glutton hub, no better than a McDonald's or Starbucks.

Little Sister Coffee Maker is literally the little sister company of Parlour Coffee, but I'm not gonna go into the history of it. You should know this. You should also know that Winnipeg has a really high number of independent coffee shops, from Thom Bargen, to Urban Forest, among others, there's no shortage of places to Instagram your coffee. No one is gonna Instagram McDonald's or Starbucks, unless it's for ironic purposes.

But I recommend you check out Little Sister, mainly because you might run into me there, waiting for a latte and judging everyone that looks exactly like me.

As a special bonus for this post, I'd like to point out that popular rock n' roll band, Queens of the Stone Age actually wrote a song about Little Sister Coffee Maker and performed it on Letterman! Incredible publicity for such a small, independent coffee house. As a CreComm student, I'm impressed!

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